Posts Tagged ‘Nancy Cohen’

Movie Question: Did I see the real Brad Cohen and Nancy Cohen in the movie?

Thursday, December 11th, 2008
Brad and Nancy Cohen make their cameo appearance in Front of the Class

Brad and Nancy Cohen make their cameo appearance in Front of the Class

YES YOU DID!  Brad and Nancy Cohen can be seen in their cameo appearance after the orchestra concert as little Brad is getting up out of his seat and heading to the front of the auditorium with his principal.  Brad and Nancy Cohen are standing in the back acting like teachers.  It is a quick 2 or 3 seconds so don’t blink.

We thought this would be the best scene to have us in because it was the most important scenes in the movie.  It was at this point in my life when I realized the power of education.  It was from this moment forward where I knew I wanted to be that teacher that I never had.

This scene took almost 8 hours to shoot because as the director, Peter Werner, stated “We needed to get this scene right because it is such a powerful moment in the movie and in Brad’s life.”

Did you get a chance to see me and Nancy?

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"Brad Cohen is a walking billboard for the idea of living positively. He is like a cold drink on a hot day--refreshing, energizing, and likely to put a smile on your face."
Tim Shriver - Chairman of Special Olympics

"I have observed the magic of Brad Cohen in the classroom. He has turned Tourette Syndrome into an asset, and his life into inspiration."
Senator Johnny Isakson, Georgia

"Brad Cohen's story is a triumph of hope, determination, will and relentless good humor."
Peter J. Hollenbeck, Ph.D., Professor and
Associate Head of Biological Sciences,
Purdue University

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