Posts Tagged ‘Jobs’

Living with a Disability and Keeping Your Job

Tuesday, April 14th, 2009










Are you having difficulties keeping your job because of your disability? If so, you need to read this BLOG. Having a disability is tough enough in life, but when we enter the workforce, we have to be careful not to allow our problems to become other people’s problems too. This is where you need to take a close look at yourself and how you do things.

See my 5 tips to help you keep your job:

It is important for you to find a job that you are good at doing. If you don’t like being around people, then teaching in a school might not be for you. If you are scared of computers, then working with technology might not be the best fit. But if you are good with money and enjoy math, then the banking industry could be a perfect fit. It is important for you to find a job that matches up with your past experiences and things you enjoy. Search the internet, newspapers, and network asking friends and family members if they know of people looking to hire in your field. Make sure you have a resume ready and be up front and honest about your strengths and how you can add something special to that position. Always dress for success and leave a lasting impression.

Once you have that job, it is important to build relationships. Make sure you allow people to have a chance to get to know you. If you want to move up in the company and need more leadership experiences, then find someone who will allow you that opportunity. Get to know everyone you pass in the hallway. Call them by their first name. Find out something special about them. Praise them for the littlest things so they want to be around you more. If they approach you with a smile on their face or they leave you with a smile on their face, then you are doing something right. It is ok to laugh. It is not only important to get to know them, but also open up a little and allow them a chance to get to know you too.

Learn as much as you can and become the expert on everything you can in your field. It would be great that anytime someone wants a good idea or wants to learn something they come to you. That shows others that you are valued for your expertise. Share your knowledge with others and offer to help others if they need it. Show them that you are a team player and willing to do whatever it takes for the team to be successful. Next time they want something to get done, let’s hope they think of you to get it done.

I have always believed in being open and honest about living with my disability. It has been a way for me to educate others as well as prove to others that there is more to me than just Tourette Syndrome. I never said to be open and honest about every single thing going on in your life. That would be crazy. But for me it was best to educate others about TS. They wanted to know. They needed to know. And I had a chance to shine because I let them know. My disability is part of who I am and if they accepted me, then they needed to accept my issues that come with my disability also. By me taking the initiative and being open and honest, this made a huge difference in my life because we discussed the elephant in the room. You need to decide if this is the best approach for you. You might start small with your team or people that work directly with you, then open it up on a larger scale.

I tell my wife that I don’t go to work everyday, I go to school. I love what I do and I do what I love and I believe if you bring that passion to the workplace, then it will only benefit you in the long-run. Give 100% every single day and be excited about what you do. Passion is very contagious. If others see you are passionate about doing your job, they will follow suit. People enjoy being around happy people who enjoy doing their jobs. It is always nice to have a person with passion on the team, because others know that passion produces high expectations, low failure rates, high attendance rates, and an overall positive attitude for the team.

These 5 tips could be the winning combination you have been looking for to help you keep your job. If you have other tips, please share!


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"Brad Cohen is a walking billboard for the idea of living positively. He is like a cold drink on a hot day--refreshing, energizing, and likely to put a smile on your face."
Tim Shriver - Chairman of Special Olympics

"I have observed the magic of Brad Cohen in the classroom. He has turned Tourette Syndrome into an asset, and his life into inspiration."
Senator Johnny Isakson, Georgia

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Peter J. Hollenbeck, Ph.D., Professor and
Associate Head of Biological Sciences,
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