It is time to introduce you to me, or shall I say Jimmy Wolk, who plays me in Front of the Class. Jimmy is a great person and an even better guy. He’s got a great personality and gets along with everyone. I know the people on the set took a liking to Jimmy from the beginning. We really have a lot in common. This is Jimmy’s first big role and something tells me you’ll be seeing a lot more of him. I first learned about Jimmy during casting when the producers and directors said they felt they had someone special to play me. He was not a big name in the industry, but they kept saying “This guy can act!” They took a risk and the rest was history.
Jimmy first had to learn about not only me and my personality, but also about Tourette Syndrome. I was recorded on video and explained to Jimmy that there is a method behind the madness with the Tourette’s. That each tic has its own personality. We wanted to make sure that the tics in the film came across naturally, almost unconsciously. We didn’t want it to be forced. Jimmy learned and then he acted. And he did a great job.
When I first arrived in Shreveport on set, people thought I was Jimmy, but then they realized it was the “real” Brad Cohen and they quickly said “Wow, Jimmy really has Brad down nicely.” Our tics were identical. Jimmy’s positive energy came across throughout the entire movie. I’m honored to have Jimmy play me in the movie. As I told Jimmy, this movie is about the underdog getting a chance and becoming successful. Similarly, Jimmy was the underdog for the part as many other big name people were up for it, but the directors and producers took a risk on Jimmy and he is about to shock the world. Thank to Hallmark Hall of Fame for taking the risk and giving Jimmy his first gig. I’d say he did a heck of a job! Cheers
Tags: Front of the Class, Jimmy Wolk